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Classic vintage stag films, American and European porno loops, arcade nude, and strippers. Blue Vanities presents the greatest and hottest films from the 1920`s to the 1980`s. An exciting nostalgia trip. Includes: G.I. JOE, 1f-2m, `50s FOR JOHNNY, 1f-1m, 1958-62 DANCING PAL (PT 1), 3f-2m, 1967, English T.V. MAN, 1f-1m, 1962-63, Big Tits COME ON OVER, 1f-1m, `40s EXHIBITION, 2f-1m, 1967-68, English FIRST EXPERIENCE, 2f, `50s, Lesbian SHOULD A GENTLEMAN OFFER A LADY A JOINT?, 2f-1m, 1968 HOT PANTIES, 1f-1m, 1966-67 FUN IN THE SUN, 3f-3m, Color, `60s