SAMCRO outlaws are about to be fully exposed... Just don`t blame the ATF! Diabolic`s OFFICIAL SONS OF ANARCHY PARODY features the gang`s peacekeeper, VP and resident hotty Jackson at a local porn studio responding to complaints of loud, dirty shouting from the school next door. But when Jax arrives,the police chief is already getting his night stick oiled by a new girl. Opie`s girl Lyla is looking for some manly protection, which Jax is more than happy to provide. Meanwhile back at the clubhouse, Gemma`s dropping to her knees to ease Clay`s stress about the whole bike gang being out on an actual charity run. Agent Stahls cons Tig into being a stoolie for her... He`s ready and willing to wear a wire, only if he can launch a pussy investigation of his own!