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Hunk Harrowing Demolition Delights - Rolf Fulton & Kip Sorell Years ago, Rolf Fulton began wrestling up a weight class or two. Wrestlers his own size just weren't a challenge, nor as fun for Rolf to beat down as the seriously big boys. And this long, lean bobcat has beaten down some of the biggest, baddest beasts in the business, on indy pro circuits and in the BG East ring. Rolf's viciousness inevitably knocks opponents on their heels, and the scrappy stud savors the shock on their faces when this kid half their size makes them scream in submission. So it's not so surprising that Rolf breaks out into a laugh of disbelief when he arrives at the ring to find Kip Sorell waiting for him. As the former winner of the title of Best Body at BG East, Kip has built his phenomenal physique to fit the precise specifications of a fitness model and pin-up boy. If the competition were to determine who is prettiest, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in Kip's league. But being outrageously pretty has earned him nothing more than a bullseye on his magnificently muscled ass. Kip has sucked down some of the most devastatingly lopsided and absolutely humiliating defeats in the annals of professional wrestling. And not only is he one of the most notorious jobbers currently in competition, Kip is also, merely, Rolf's size. Fulton fans may wonder if Rolf eases up on the accelerator when faced with an opponent a fraction of the size of most of his challengers. In answer, Rolf interrupts the opening lock-up with a gouge to Kip's eyes and a pointed knee to his groin. He executes about 5 low blows in the first 10 seconds of the match. He doesn't really need to go low and go hard, but at this point in his career, that's the only direction and intensity that Rolf knows how to go. Beating the living shit out of pretty boy Kip does come with one important lesson for Rolf, though. It turns out that terrorizing an opponent in his own weight class can be whole lot of fun, after all. When a tailbone shattering atomic drop leaves Kip writhing in a heap at his feet, Rolf can't help but be tickled into a deep, baritone chuckle of delight. He snickers with glee as he repeatedly drags the battered Adonis around the mat by his nostrils. Rolf tickles his own funny bone when he locks his opponent in standing headscissors and yanks hard, stretching Kip's pretty-in-pink trunks up his award winning ass's crack. Finding new and innovative ways of wringing screams of panic out of a hard-bodied middleweight hunk is anything but boring for the sneering heel. Both ripped bodies glisten with sweat, Kip because he's ridden hard, and Rolf because he's driving himself to new heights of diabolical punishment. Repeatedly, Rolf peels the wasted muscle hunk off the mat by his hair to set him up for still more humiliating brutality. He tramples the physique star's washboard abs, and he grinds the pretty boy's face under the heel of his boots. Early on, Kip defiantly refuses to submit, but one of the most brutal wrestling clinics he has ever been subjected to (and that's saying a lot) makes screams of panicked submission pour out of him nearly non-stop. Fortunately for fans of prettyboy muscle demolition, ruthless Rolf lends a deaf ear to every begging plea for mercy. Although it may be a foregone conclusion as to who has the last laugh in this match, just like Rolf, those who appreciate mouthwatering muscles battered from every possible angle will appreciate every screaming second of this terror-filled contest. Warning: Objects in the Ring May Be Bigger than They Appear - Braden Charron & Meat Braden Charron is one of the most underestimated wrestlers currently competing. Once a notorious muscle jobber, Braden has honed his wrestling craft to become a serious competitor. He's taken some of the hardest knocks on record, and he's learned from every one of them. Braden is smarter and more aggressive every time he climbs into the ring, and he has a quickly expanding arsenal of submission finishers. He has also honed his magnificent physique to superhuman proportions, earning him a respectable third-place finish at a recent regional bodybuilding competition. In the audience at that competition was the long-time BG East fan who simply answers to the name Meat. Meat recognized Braden from some of his fondest wrestling fantasies, and the barrel-chested longshoreman made his way backstage to get an autograph. While star struck, Meat couldn't help but comment that Braden looks smaller in the ring than he does in real life. It was probably meant to be a compliment of Braden's competition-ready conditioning, but the carb-deprived muscleman took offense. The autograph session turned ugly, and Braden challenged the average Joe to get a first hand look at just how big Braden looks "when you're flat on your back staring up at me in my ring!" A week later, Braden's sculpted form is tanned to perfection and poured into his skimpy blue posing trunks in the ring. He cycles through the standard poses as Meat waits excitedly to get his hands on the cocky wrestling star. "What are you doing, man," Meat snarls impatiently, his beefy body packed tightly into baby blue classic trunks. "This is a wrestling ring!" "You'll get yours in a minute," Braden promises, not taking his eyes off of his own spectacular body flexing back at him in the mirror. "Just keep your mouth shut!" "Why, what are you going to do," Meat demands, staring down at the now-smaller muscle man and deciding that Braden does, indeed, look smaller in the real world ring. As an answer, Braden smacks the backwards baseball cap off of the longshoreman's bald head and lands a crushing forearm to the back of the average-Joe's neck to send him sprawling to the mat. "Fuck you," Meat snarls, but his curses are interrupted as the bodybuilder scoops the big man off his feet and slams his back to the mat with the authority that comes from experience. Meat isn't the first fan to mistakenly assume that a pro wrestling body slam is just for show. But like Braden's beautifully muscled body, his wrestling holds are as serious as a heart attack. Braden's camel clutch brings tears to the longshoreman's eyes and panic to his voice. The bodybuilder's Boston crab makes the blue collar beefsteak whimper like a baby. Now a seasoned veteran of the ring, Braden controls the action, decisively breaking his opponent down joint by joint until he wrings a feeble plea of submission out of the foul-mouthed dockworker. Braden digs his claws deeply into the shocked rookie's massive pecs. You can watch the truth wash over Meat's gasping face as Braden backs him into a corner by his pectorals and threatens to shred the muscle with his bare hands. Oh-so-pretty Braden is now a vicious terrier with the power and the knowhow to cripple an over-eager fan with a hunk bashing fantasy. For a while, Meat defies Braden's instruction to submit, until the bodybuilder pries him out of the corner by the same pec claw and parades him around the ring, making him scream in agony. "Next time I say 'give,' YOU GIVE" Braden barks like a drill sergeant. Seeing Braden Charron on the giving end of an absolute demolition over a big, beefy powerhouse has been a long time coming. It's taken years of humiliating defeats and a single-minded devotion to transforming his fantasyman physique into an unstoppable wrecking ball. He's every bit as pretty as ever, but just ask Meat what he thinks of Braden's mastery of the pro wrestling ring, as he lies flat on his back staring up at the bodybuilder's flexing muscles and packed posing briefs towering over him! Braden's every bit as massive and powerful and devastating as he looks. Rookie Wrecking by the Best Muscles Money Can Buy-Damien Rush & Kerry Cunningham Kerry Cunningham made a big impression in his debut match. It wasn't just the farm-raised fratboy's beautiful, long body and mischievously handsome face. Even more remarkable was Kerry's recklessly brash attitude, taunting one of our most notorious heels with jokes disparaging his mother's virtue. Mind you, he paid for it by drowning in a flood of pain and humiliation. But there's never a second chance to make a first impression, and Kerry took the opportunity to signal from the start that he's fierce, fearless, and unflappable. Fans and future opponents alike took notice of this tall, beautiful, blond stud with the brass balls to disrespect even the most intimidating of opponents. Damien Rush took notice, as well. The trust-fund-baby turned aspiring-pro-wrestler felt confident that he could easily handle Kerry's initiation to the wrestling ring. After all, Damien has been spending his daddy's riches extravagantly, packing on succulent muscle mass with the help of a live-in dietician and full-time personal trainer on retainer. Damien's primetime pro wrestling coach has been working the blueblood hard on his focus and his finishing holds. In a fair fight, strength, experience, and ring savvy would heavily weigh in Damien's favor, despite his inconsistent success in past matches. But being favored is about as meaningless to Damien as is the virtue of a fair fight. There's nothing Damien wants more than a sure thing. So daddy's little rich boy arranged to have a prominent indy pro wrestling star show up before him to "warm-up" the ring rookie. "I see you got a pretty good warm-up in," Damien chuckles as he arrives to find Kerry soaked in sweat and flat on his back with a mysterious muscle hunk in a black hood towering over him. "For services rendered," Damien nods in appreciation as he palms a roll of cash into the muscled mercenary's hand. As the warm-up act exits, carefully keeping his back to the camera, Damien offers a hand to help Kerry peel himself off of the mat. Once the beautifully-built rookie reaches his full, towering height, Damien nearly knocks his block off with a sucker clothesline to the throat, sending Kerry crashing to the mat again. "Why are you doing this," Kerry cries out pleadingly. "I've already been beaten! I can't take any more." With a sneer, Damien manhandles the wrecked rookie into a torturous camel clutch, rubbing his gargantuan right bicep into Kerry's gaping face. "Why," Damien asks rhetorically, "because I can!" Kerry knew he was done long before Damien showed up. He crawls on his stomach, trying to flee the ring, but Damien drags him back by an ankle. "I can't even fight back," Kerry complains bitterly as Damien buries the rookie's face between his hairy, tree trunk thighs and makes him suck on humiliation in face-to-crotch headscissors. "You're pathetic," the trust fund titan laughs, doing stomach crunches. "You know what's pathetic," Kerry gasps bitterly, "you having to pay someone to beat me up before you even get here!" Damien denies any accusation that he doesn't play by the rules. In a perverse way, he's right. When you're as wealthy and egomaniacal as he is, you make your own rules. With unlimited resources and unfettered by a defensible opponent, daddy's little rich boy gets to decide what's fair. He taunts the rookie's public school education and middle class Midwestern upbringing. With bearhugs and boot strikes to his balls, Damien terrorizes the wasted stud until Kerry concedes that this is Damien's ring, and these are his rules. The bruised, blond beauty is compelled to confess to being poor, which is the worst humiliation that Damien can conceive of. Helpless to defend himself, Kerry is physically forced to attest that Damien did not, in fact, hire a paid gun to take him out before their match started. No rules were broken, Kerry weeps pleadingly. Kerry begs for mercy by conceding Damien's abs are perfect, his skill is unmatched, and the rookie's only wish is to be beaten by the best muscle that money can buy. You can still catch a glimpse of the rookie's recklessly smart mouth, but Kerry's destruction is complete and humiliating. The only question left at the end of this absolute rookie demolition is whether there is anyone who could possibly stand up to Damien's devastating muscles, his diabolical brutality, and his endless bank account.
Price | Condition | Seller Information | |
$ 15.00 | New | NAME: | FetishPPigPro (other listings) |
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SHIPS FROM: | PA - w/ Delivery Confirmation - Expedited Shipping Available | ||
COMMENTS: | This edition was released in cardsleeve with stickered front, back and disc (early in the company's existence.) |