Watch and enjoy ROBERT PRION’S 50th feature video, “IF YOU DARE”. First, we have PRION favorite BRYON ROGERS walking in on VINCENT DEMARCO and 11 inch uncut newcummer SEAN GRANT sucking each other off. BRYON joins right in, sucking SEAN’S long pole right to the base. Then VINCENT takes turns fucking BRYON and SEAN, before BRYON returns the favor, and fucks both of them. They explode all over BRYON’S chest. Cute ALEX TURNER is relaxing on a raft in a pool when baby-doll newcummer SCOTT DAVENPORT comes in, and pulls ALEX over to the side of the pool, and starts French kissing him like crazy. Soon, SCOTT has his clothes off, and is sucking on ALEX’S beautiful dick in the pool. After some 69-ing and mutual rimming, ALEX fucks SCOTT’S round butt for all it's worth. They both explode, with ALEX shooting the biggest load of his young career. Handsome newcummer KURT ROBERTS is having sex problems with his girlfriend, and turns to JAY RICHARDS for help JAY explains how gay sex can be great, and talks KURT into trying it. Soon KURT’S hungry mouth is all over JAY’S long prick. JAY returns the favor by fucking the hell out of KURT’S virgin asshole. KURT vows that he'll be back for more. Star CODY MARSHALL is busy putting a motor in his truck, when in walks SCOTT DAVENPORT and young newcomer CHRIS BAUER. CODY tells the boys that he likes working on pipes, and would they like to work on his. The boys wasted no time getting CODY’S long, thick dong out, and sucking it dry. CHRIS decides to fuck SCOTT’S butt before CODY does the same thing with all the sexual vigor that CODY is known for. Hunky JOSH COLE along with SEAN GRANT are thanking ALEX TURNER for letting them use his pool, but JOSH wants to see SEAN’S long uncut dick before he goes home. SEAN whips his dick right out, and JOSH goes to town on it. ALEX does the same thing to JOSH’S long, thick trophy. Soon everyone is sucking and rimming everyone else. ALEX then fucks SEAN doggie-style, before JOSH sits on ALEX’S manhood, milking it for all its worth. ALEX’S chest is soon covered with hot creamy cum. Congratulations to director ROBERT PRION for his 50th video, “IF YOU DARE”
Price | Condition | Seller Information | |
$ 7.00 |
Good (no case or artwork) |
NAME: | MidwestAmateursonDVD (other listings) |
FEEDBACK: | (287
ratings: Read more about this seller)
SHIPS FROM: | WI - w/ Delivery Confirmation - Expedited Shipping Available | ||
COMMENTS: | Used DVD from estate, good to very good condition, rental ring, few marks on back, bit of artwork, no case. Order 3 or more DVD's get one Priority Mail shipping upgrade. Rare and niche items since 1992. | ||
$ 9.00 |
Very Good (no case or artwork) |
NAME: | Jcfrosty (other listings) |
FEEDBACK: | (2,319 ratings: Read more about this seller) | ||
COMMENTS: | Previously viewed DVD (no cover art available) - disc is in Very Good condition with some light scratch marks on back; plays fine on both DVD & Computer machines! |